Payment Options
Flair World provide its valuable customers with different payment options:
- Cash On Delivery (COD): Conveniently pay cash for your ordered products at the time of delivery.
- Bank Deposit: For cashless delivery please directly deposit the total amount in our bank account.
Transfer the amount in the following bank and whatsapp us the payment screen shot at +92300-8469589 for payment confirmation
Meezan Bank- Gulshan-e-Ravi
Account Number: 02150107776812
IBAN: PK89MEZN0002150107776812
Meezan Bank- Gulshan-e-Ravi
Account Number: 02150107776812
IBAN: PK89MEZN0002150107776812
- Easypaisa/Jazzcash: For cashless delivery please directly deposit the total amount in our Easypaisa/Jazzcash account.
Transfer the amount in the following account and whatsapp us the payment screen shot at +92300-8469589 for payment confirmation
Jazzcash: 03214361196
Easypaisa: 03008469589
Jazzcash: 03214361196
Easypaisa: 03008469589
*Please note: Advance payment will be required on orders above Rs.7,000